Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Personal Protection Level One

Personal Protection Level One
by Cmdr.Lyur
(if you do not see pictures and graphics inside the text please email me to get the whole article with pictures.
On the radio show “Out of Time” (available by me on CD Audio) I have pointed out several times the current situation of the planet immersed now in the 4th dimensional frequency band.
Since recent times I have received continuous reports from many Lightworkers and star people
suffering sharp vicious attacks from the dark side directed more than before on the personal level.
Thus I am writing a series of messages focused only on PROTECTION.
In a nutshell :
 Earth changes are on the increase and will start really to rock hard by next spring. It is not for nothing that the Elders of all Native American tribes have told their people to leave big cities, coastal areas, and be on higher ground with their food and water ready by the spring of 2006. People of same mind getting together will form frequency pockets of higher energy helping to be protected and this way helping more the shifting of the worlds. When your frequency is “polarized” you are in tune with Mother Earth and thus also protected from natural changes.
 Higher energies send by the center of the local universe are pouring in, bursting our local sun and creating friction in all dimensional bands. Purpose is to shift the universe into a new one, where 3rd and 4th dimensional energies, worlds and beings will no longer exist. As a result, forces and beings in control of these 3D and 4D bands are fighting their last battle to keep their dominion, or in other words, to take their dominion with them in a parallel universe. (a good number of New Agers are actually falling for them)
 This planet currently in full gear in the 4th dimensional band is having a side effect that the dominion of low hierarchies, lesser gods and non-benevolent aliens have full access and powers on it’s inhabitants. Contrary to the pinky New Age cheers about the 4th dimension, it is not great at all, only a transit that should be traversed as quick as possible, as we do in so-called “etheric travel” at night. A huge problem is that the astral coronas around the Earth and the Moon (this was very well explained by Ashtar in the early 90’s) are today packed with all disincarnate souls who do not have the 5D frequency to move into the new universe and are NOT authorized anymore to reincarnate on Earth or anywhere in the current local universe until completion of the new one. Those souls are NOT evolved and are trying to interfere with as much as living humans as possible, INCLUDING the new age people, channels and so forth. No need to explain further you see the picture. Even the official churches are saying that since 10 years or so there have never been as much “entities possession” as anytime before and do not have enough “exorcists” at hand to do their usual practices.
 As a result of all the above, interferences and attacks on people of light, star people and starseeds have never been so numerous and so pushy. Besides broad energies of doubts, division, anger etc…, personal attacks are on the increase, to try to neutralize the remaining (quite small) of real Lightwork done on Earth.

To respond to the question of readers and listeners to know if the usual techniques of spiritual protection at this time are sufficient, the response is : No, they were in the past, but not anymore at this time. It does not matter the “sender” whoever they are beings, energies, thought forms, frequency pollution, it is all the same.
It is necessary today for people of Light and star beings on Earth to have a PHYSICAL protection as complement to the spiritual ones. The 3D tools such a radionics are not the best because they usually “send back directly to sender”. In the current situation, these “senders” become then more enraged and increase their efforts. The “war of magicians, white and black” is continuous and a “no win”.
To use the New Age motto : “send back only Love and Light” does not work either anymore, it just pleases the forces opposed to the shifting of the worlds to see “sheep” in front of them. It really seems that the New Age of today has forgotten 70/80’s words such as “Rainbow Warriors”.

Along the years I have experimented several tools, with various levels of success.
I find today an absolute necessity to have personal PHYSICAL shields. There was no coincidence that in the past kings, pharaohs, prophets such as Moses and Aaron, were wearing at all times very heavy breastplates to deflect numerous attacks and interferences on them, and shields around their palaces/temples as well.
I would classify the physical tools of protection, complementary to the spiritual ones, as this :
- Level 1 : Personal portable Shield, that you wear on yourself, preferably at all times.
- Level 2 : Personal Shield inside the home
- Level 3 : Shield Ring around the home
These 3 Levels would be normally necessary to have altogether.

Level One physical protection
This is the most urgent to have and the first one, but the rest is also necessary.
I have studied and experimented a number of “personal shields”; The usual ones “made on Earth” are of ancient technology, outdated for our times, and not much efficient unless you get yourself the impressive breastplates of the Pharaohs and others, loaded with gems. Not exactly discrete and quite expensive. Esoteric and occult shields have the inconvenient to have a questionable origin since linked to all “gods and masters” of Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, who were, conversely, “sub-gods of low hierarchies”, reptilians and the like.
The personal shield I found the most effective was of extraterrestrial technology, developed by a colleague speaker of mine in International UFO congresses.
I did use that shield for years and one time I gave it to a person seemingly in dire needs of it (mistake). I had none of it for a long time, and I just found the source again. It is important that our ground crews and children of Light linked to the “Golden Light Program” have such shield.
Therefore I decided to make it again available at this time.
With it I had extraordinary results, non only for a great protection but also for increased energy, or better finding “one’s normal energy back” Here are a few unmistakable examples :
I always had losses of energies in big stores, due to mix of auras, deadly lighting system, thought-forms etc… As soon as I had the Medallion on, pendant on the solar plexus, all nuisances were gone immediately, I was feeling in these stores as well as “at home”. Another : in my lectures, there were the regular “energy zappers” that all speakers know very well, resulting in quite an energy loss. The very first time I got the Medallion in such events, I put it under the skirt, as experiment, nobody would see it. A friend healer, always present in these meetings, came to hug me and stopped cold 5 feet (1 meter 50) from me and said : “what is happening, it is like there is a barrier between us ! It is impossible to approach you.” Upon seeing the hidden Medallion, she understood at once. Each and every time in meetings, I was then totally protected, with no energy loss of any kind. Another potent example :
At a time the Fleet asked me to activate a vortex and base of theirs in Norway, in the mountains.
The area was huge, and to perform the Gridwork we had to cover large distances on cross-country skis, which was quite hard on the body, combined with the cold. We had to make often pauses to recover. The first time I had the Medallion (again under the ski gear) I felt no fatigue whatsoever running on front of the group unable to follow, and this for hours. As a test, I did remove the Medallion and put it in the rucksack, and again I was like the others, a kind of turtle on skis. Medallion on again, it was Rabbit running wild. Many other experiences with the Medallion brought similar results, in all departments, including personal assertiveness in any situation, even non spiritual and professional ones. It will also naturally keep at bay astral entities and non-benevolent aliens (at night just find a way that the Medallion stay on solar plexus)
Only “unwanted” side effect, eventually, do not wear it with an intimate partner, see the story of the healer/lady friend above !! Unless you wish to divorce !!!
As of today I am then making that Extraterrestrial Medallion available again. It is a pendant like, looking like a miniature of the radio-astronomy dishes, with a similar receptor as well. It is worn around the neck the shield itself falling between the solar plexus and the “love-spot” area (heart chakra) These two areas are extremely vulnerable to any interferences, attacks, frequencies pollution, direct targeting by technologies or forces, stress, traumas, violent emotions, you name it all. The star people are particularly sensitive to all these. The Medallion itself is covered by hundreds of tiny pyramids, much like my Galactic Crystals. These pyramids are sending back (to the universe for recycling) all unwanted energies and frequencies, ELF, EMF, attacks on people of Light, auras from other persons, thought-forms, mental conditioning patterns, programming from the dominion, etc… The receptor on top of the Medallion is collecting all energies that could be re-polarized, turn them into positive and send them thru a small hole into the solar plexus and body energy fields and chakra system. This explains why the person wearing it will feel it’s power and energy back at optimum level. The center of the receptor has a specific color, the color that you need at this time in your fields and body. Similar to the color “Rays” that enter the chakras.
That color will be the one you are in lack at the moment, or the color you need to develop. I have seen that we may “change” that color over the years, depending on changes in consciousness, level of Lightbody etc…
It is necessary to select the color beneficial for you at this time, thus I propose to find it under guidance from my ships contacts. All is needed is a photo or handwriting.
The Medallion itself is extremely pretty and decorative, a real jewel. Naturally one can wear it openly, there will be questions from friends ! It has the same efficiency under or on top of the clothes. A number of “stars” in the music and entertainment industry are wearing that very medallion, they know about loss of energy don’t they…(and many are star people)
The suggestion is to get that Medallion as quickly as possible, no one knows when communications on the ground may be impaired by Earth changes and other events.
Price : 197 US $ this includes shipping and handling as well as the search under guidance for your specific color. Order to : Jean M. Surmely, P.O. Box 1524, Mena, Arkansas 71953 U.S.A.
(Canadians please use Canadian Postal Money Order or check of Royal Bank of Canada)
Outside the US please request a Bank check from your bank drawn on a New York bank.
Europeans, you can send a regular check in Euros, in that case : 188 Euros.
The most secure and quick way to order is to use a Credit Card and Paypal. Go to and send to I receive immediately a notice from Paypal. In such case you just need to send me a picture by email for the search of color.
You can also clic on the Credit Card logo in our websites below.

In Personal Protection Level Two, we will speak next of Physical Shields inside the home.
Golden Love
Captain Lyur

a number of our star people in Hollywood are wearing the Protection Medallion, see here actress
Xenia Seeberg from the sci-fi show “LEXX”.